the motion of a small rectangular parallelepiped in viscous fluid with centre
at P(x,y,z) and it’s edges of length dx, dy, dz parallel to the fixed rectangular axes.
mass (density´volume) i.e rdxdydz of the element
remains constant and the element is assumed to move along with fluid. In
relation to the surface at right angle to the axis of x, the force components
per unit area (or stress component) at P(x,y,z) are Pxx, Pxy,
corresponding force components at the centre
corresponding force components at the centre
in the fluid in the opposite sense of former.
force component on this pair of parallel faces of area dydz through P1
& P2 at right angle to the axis of x
may be compounded into a single force having components
at P(x,y,z) in the direction parallel to ox, oy & oz respectively together
with couple of moments -pxydxdydz and +pxydxdydz about oy
and oz respectively.
The force component on this pair of parallel faces of area dxdz through P1
& P2 at right angle to the axis of y
may be compounded into a single force having components
at P(x,y,z) in the direction parallel to ox, oy & oz respectively together
with couple of moments -pyzdxdydz and +pyzdxdydz about oz
and ox respectively.
The force component on this pair of parallel faces of area dxdy through P1
& P2 at right angle to the axis of z
may be compounded into a single force having components
at P(x,y,z) in the direction parallel to ox, oy & oz respectively together
with couple of moments -pzxdxdydz and +pzxdxdydz about oy
and ox respectively.
* red indicate just changing
the term
taking into account, the surface forces on all six faces at parallelepiped, we
see that they reduced into single force at P(x,y,z) having components
(pyz - pzy) dxdydz about ox
(pzx - pxz) dxdydz about oy
(pxy - pyx) dxdydz about oz
that the fact has been used here is that the moment of forces about an
arbitrary axis must be zero when contracting the element to a point (i.e making
edges shrink to zero), for instance
(pyz - pzy) dxdydz =0
(pzx - pxz) dxdydz =0
(pxy - pyx) dxdydz
Þ (pyz
- pzy) =0
(pzx - pxz) =0
(pxy - pyx) =0
pyz = pzy
pzx = pxz
pxy = pyx
Hence nine rectangular components of stress at a
point reduced to six.
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